Here's the second of the Nails Inc Special Effects 3D Glitters, Bloomsbury Square
Again I've shown it as applied with a matte finish and then with top coat to shiny it up!
And a close up of the glitter in the bottle
Bloomsbury Square is a sheer base packed with fine purple glitter and smaller amounts of larger pink glitter.
Again the swatch is 2 coats.
It's a stunning colour and with top coat it's fabulous but I'm still disappointed with the matte finish.
Removal is as expected, break out the foil!
Very nice!
ReplyDeleteI really like your blog, but I have a small suggestion connected with the design of the site. I don't know if it's only like that on my computer, but the blog seems to be so wide, that the first thing in the middle that I can see is nothing but blue space. only after looking closely i was able to spot the little photos (of the gorgeous nails!). Hope you know what I mean ;-)
In one shot it almost looks like a flakie. Be good if it were....