Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Accesorize - Mermaid

Gah - I'm so behind with posting! I'm going to do up the frequency a bit to try and catch up.

Over the next few days I'll show the rest of the Accessorize I got.

First is Mermaid - slightly unimaginative name for a blue polish but it does tie in very well with this turquoise/blue foil - you can almost see the scales and hear the sound of the sea.

2 coats, no top coat.


3 Pics to show the gorgeousness. There's a hint of duochrome in the bottle that doesn't make it to the nail but it's still so pretty.

As I'm sure you know this one is a dupe of Zoya Charla, Orly Halleys Comet, OPI Catch Me in Your Net and prob. some others. But I don't have any of those....


  1. I loveeee the Accessorize polishes, shame I can't get them here. This blue is awesome and it instantly made me think of mermaid's too, so not that original no, haha

  2. this is pretty! how much are accessorize polishes?

  3. @shortwidenails - £4 each, so pretty cheap for a UK polish

  4. Definitely worth having. I love 'em. I have about 8.

  5. Lol, we lost count of how many dupes we have of this colour :D

  6. I have Catch me In Your Net and Essence's Choose Me, and they both look exactly the same! Don't bother looking for them :) I love those other accessorize polishes, too bad we don't have them here!


Thanks for your comment - I appreciate all of them!