Sunday, 13 February 2011

Rimmel - Electric 397

Dark blue with glitter

Yet another TJ Hughes bargain.

Electric is a Rimmel Wear Maxx, presumably a long wearing formula.

It's a dark/navy blue with lots of fine blue glitter and this is 2 coats, no topcoat. 

It's pretty, who doesn't love a dark blue glitter,  but I'm pretty certain I've got a few others like this....  One for the de-duping pile I think.


  1. OMG!! This is super impressive!! Love it! :)

  2. It's gorgeous. I love dark blue polishes. <3

  3. Blue just doesn't suit me. This is a great-looking polish though. Better for long nails too. Mine are short.

  4. @jaljen - I love blue and most seem to work with my cool toned skin. My nails were longer then, well half of them were! I'm not very good at trimming them all down when one breaks...

  5. Gorgeous!! You are absolutely right I cannot pass up a dark blue shimmer. I haven't seen this one from Rimmel :)

  6. This is a gorgeus color very pretty :)


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