Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Stuttgart Haul

No NOTD posts from me this week as I'm away on a conference in Sindelfingen which is just outside Stuttgart in Germany.

Thankfully I found a little time yesterday to head to the nearest mall where I managed to pick up some polish, including what I really wanted to find - the new Catrice.

Unfortunately the Catrice display was a little depleted so I wasn't able to get all the ones I wanted (and that my fellow uk nail polish obsessives put orders in for!) but still a nice haul I think...?

I also got some ArtDeco and Beju
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  1. Catrice and Essence! What are the prices? Relatively expensive? Or otherwise?

  2. great haul :)

    @ Jaljen: they are quite cheap- about 2€ (essence) and 2,50€ each

  3. Great Haul!! I used to be stationed in Bauhmholder and Nurenburg - but I wasn't into np then!! Makes me want to take a trip!!
    Thanks for the memories!!


  4. what an awesome haul! im super jealous..i want some Catrice polishes!! hahaha

  5. ooo you got some lovely colours there. That made the conference worth it x

  6. @jaljen - well the Euro is in the toilet right?! Catrice were 2.50 euro, not sure about Essence. ArtDeco were spenny, maybe 7 or 8 euros each

  7. Woof! I'm excited to see your swatches of these and congrats on your nice haul.

  8. That is indeed, a great haul. Will take you a while to try all the wonderful colours! :]

  9. @Joan - indeed it will and not helped by the silk wrap on my ring finger finally giving way so I now have one mega-stubby nail. But at least it lasted long enough to grow out to avoid a really nasty tear.

  10. I love seeing all your polishes it makes me jealous.
    ps i've nominated you for an award check it out on my blog xx



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